Even though you can’t see it happening, your teeth are always moving. Even after you have had braces your teeth will continue to shift ever so slightly throughout your life due to the eruption of wisdom teeth, mouth breathing, and other oral habits
This minor degree of shift generally enhances normal settling of the individual tooth positions and will stabilize the bite. The lower front teeth have the greatest tendency to shift. In some instances, Dr. Wazio may overcorrect some teeth in anticipation of movement after the retention period. However, some relapse may occur despite our best efforts.
The more pronounced the misalignment of the teeth or depth of the bite prior to orthodontic treatment, the more likely it is that your teeth or bite may shift or “relapse" somewhat toward their original position. However, there is something you can do to help keep your teeth in proper alignment.
We recommend that you wear your retainers as prescribed by Dr. Wazio. A retainer will help to keep your teeth from moving after they have been straightened with braces. When used as instructed, a retainer helps to prevent relapse from happening. But please keep in mind…adverse bone growth, the normal aging process, and other maturational changes that take place later in life are beyond the control of Dr. Wazio.